Face and Neck Contouring

Hands-free technology



Evoke is a hands-free, non-invasive treatment to contour the face. Evoke uses Radio Frequency to remodel the tissue of the cheeks and jawline to give a more youthful, contoured appearance.

Why Choose EVOKE?

  • Non-invasive

  • No downtime

  • Easy, 45 minute treatments

  • Remodels tissue

  • Contours the face

  • Helps reduce “double chins”

 How is it done?

The Evoke head-pieces are placed on the patient and adjusted to their comfort level. The treatments are 40-45 minutes long, so we recommend bringing your phone, a book, or a tablet to pass the time. During the treatment, the device will send out RF energy to the area being treated. Patients typically feel the heat, which is adjusted to each patient’s tolerance. We recommend a series of 4-6 treatments.


Most patients see a difference after 4 treatments, but total results are seen 6-12 weeks after the last treatment. Results may vary.


After The Procedure?

Evoke is a no downtime procedure. Patients may be red and have slight swelling right after the treatment, but that subsides within a few after.

What Areas Can It Treat?

Evoke treats the jowls, neck, and jawline

Schedule a complimentary consultation with our office to see if Evoke is right for you!